Assess for Success for Right Brain Neurodivergent Learners

Most smart struggling students are right brain neurodivergent learners.

Closing the Read Gap often focuses on dyslexia and reading fluency.  We believe these are two critical issues, but we believe that improving reading comprehension is the key goal that is needed to succeed in life.

Our daughter went through years of dyslexia training, but in 8th grade her reading comprehension was still 3 years below grade level, even with a 119 IQ.

When we were told by her guidance counselor that our daughter was not college material, my husband Mark turned to my daughter and asked her, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Without batting an eyelash, she responded, “The teacher I never had”.  The guidance counselor responded, “Honey you can be a teacher’s aide”.

At that moment I became a mom on a mission.  Leveraging my Master’s in Education and a commitment to help my child succeed, I did my research.

I discovered that my daughter was a right brain kinesthetic learner, who learned best when she saw and experienced information.  I then developed what has become known as the 3D Learner Program ® that helped my daughter improve her reading comprehension 4.2 grade levels in 7 months.  She later earned her Master’s in Education from the University of Florida.  She truly became the teacher she never had.

The icing on the cake came in August 2024 when our daughter earned her Doctorate in Education from the University of Florida

Over the last 28 years, we have helped thousands of students succeed, with a hands-on visual program that recognizes that:

Most smart struggling students are right brain kinesthetic learners, who can close the reading fluency and reading comprehension gaps much faster when one leverages their strengths and identifies and addresses their challenges.

     Almost 75% of the students we have assessed have a significant visual processing issue.  They might be able to see well, but their eyes do not work effectively together.  This results in their skipping words and/or lines when reading.  See this video for how one of our student’s eyes tracked before and after our intervention.

     Many have problems with executive function challenges..  They frequently have trouble paying attention to that which is boring or frustrating.  Working memory and processing speed issues are also common

     Anxiety issues are frequently present

Many smart struggling students are right brain, visual or kinesthetic learners, who often, but not always have visual processing, executive function, dyslexia and/or anxiety challenges

To help you to better understand whether your child is a right brain kinesthetic learner and whether they have a visual processing, attention and/or anxiety challenge, we have developed three different assessment tools you can use. We strongly urge you to answer these questions with your child, their answers may surprise you.

Click here to download:

Does my child appear to be a right brain kinesthetic learner

Does my child appear to have a visual processing issue? 


–    Does my child appear to have an attention and/or anxiety challenge?


If you complete these three screening tools and scan them, you can email them to me at and schedule a no cost consult — two or more days later.  To schedule your consult, you can either call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a Close the Reading Gap Conversation.


We also offer a comprehensive assessment that includes:

  • The Structure of Intellect Assessment ® that shows how your child learns best, where they are strong and where they struggle.  One principal commented that this was the best assessment they had ever used.  She asked her Special Education Specialist why they had stopped using it.  The answer was that the SOI does not label a child, which is what the school needs to do to qualify a student for special education.  What it is good for is tailoring a program to help a child succeed, which is why 3D Learner uses it.
  • For third graders and above we include the Mindprint Assessment ® that assesses Executive Function Skills.  This tool was developed by a team at the University of Pennsylvania.  It identifies strengths and challenges related to attention, working memory, processing speed and flexible thinking.
  • A Core Dyslexia Assessment.
  • A reading comprehension assessment.

This assessment can be done online.  

For the
right brain neurodivergent learner, our comprehensive assessment will identify how your child learns best, where they are strong and where they struggle, whether they appear to have a visual or auditory processing issue, whether they have dyslexia, and what their present level of reading comprehension is.  It often boosts a student’s self-esteem and allows us to tailor a program to help your child succeed. 


For any parent who attends the Closing the Reading Gap Program and who invests in our Comprehensive Assessment by November 30th, 2024, 3D Learner will offer a 20 percent discount on our comprehensive assessment.

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