3D Learner Blog

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Would a $20000+ Scholarship Interest Your Child and You?

Would a $20000+ Scholarship Interest Your Child and You?

Parenting Your Bright Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner to Earn a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, or Another Scholarship A Florida Bright Futures Scholarship can be worth $20000 to $30000 towards a degree and other states like Georgia have a similar scholarship. ...

5 Parenting Travel Tips for Your Bright Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

5 Parenting Travel Tips for Your Bright Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner

Right brain kinesthetic learners are often fun loving kids.  The challenge is that anxiety, difficulty handling change, and the inevitable bumps in the road can negatively impact your vacation.  Below are 5 tips to have the best possible vacation. 1- Presell the trip...

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