Small changes make a big difference

The Visual Homework Scheduler

One simple strategy that will help you help your child overcome their avoidance of homework is to use the attached visual checklist together.

Seeing their assignments in an organized fashion helps your child feel more in control of their learning. Contributing to the plan gives your child even more ownership and pride. Here is how we suggest using the planner.

1. Together, list everything that needs to be completed. The more complicated assignments can be broken down into smaller segments. Help your child with this.  If there are 10 math problems – put them down on the list as  ‘Math problems  1  2  3  4  5, etc.’ Cross them off as they complete each one. Be sure to include quick movement breaks and a positive activity at the end. (ie game, puzzle)

2. When helping your child, have them explain what they know but BE CAREFUL with your facial and verbal response. You want this to be as positive a process as possible.  Have your child teach you what they know so that you get a better understanding. Let your child lead the way. 

3. It’s very important that you express NO OPINIONS when you find that they do not understand a particular assignment. Stay calm and positive. Give as many examples of the problem as possible. This way, your child can relate to their own experiences and interests. See if they can share some examples with you so that you are sure they understand what is being taught.  

4. Give heavy praise often and at the slightest signs of progress. Notice and visually track the progress from week to week so that they see that they are progressing.


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