New Worlds Scholarship Accounts Program

3D Learner is a provider for the New World Scholarship.  This year the value of the award has been increased from $500 to $1250.

Effective July 1, 2024, the New Worlds Scholarship Accounts Program expanded eligibility to include VPK students as well as public school students enrolled in kindergarten through grade 5 who:

  • have a substantial deficiency in either reading or mathematics;
  • exhibit characteristics of dyslexia or dyscalculia;
  • scored below a Level 3 on the most recent statewide, standardized English Language Arts (ELA) or Mathematics assessment; or
  • for VPK students enrolled in public school or private school programs, exhibit a substantial deficiency in early literacy skills based on the most recent progress monitoring results

An eligible student who is classified as an English Language Learner and is enrolled in a program or receiving services that are specifically designed to meet the instructional needs of English Language Learner students shall receive priority.

If you need help on the New World Scholarship,
call 3D Learner at 561-361-7405
or click on How 3D Learner can help your child succeed.

New for the 2024-2025 school year:

Does your K-8 student attend a Florida public school other than the one they were assigned? Your family may qualify for a $750 Transportation Stipend! Click here for more information.

Call 3D Learner at 561-361-7405
or click on How 3D Learner can help your child succeed.

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