Does Your Child Learn Differently?
When a parent calls about a child in grade K-3, the most common diagnosis we hear is that their child has or they suspect their child has dyslexia, a learning disability, ADHD, Executive Function and/or anxiety challenges.
More parents than ever share that their child learns differently — but are not sure what to do with that information.
Until we leveraged the fact that our child learned differently, we went through the all-too-common challenges, including:
- Challenges getting our child to school
- Homework battles
- Investments that were supposed to yield gains, but did not
- School meetings where we were told, “If only your child would work harder”
- Being exhausted at the end of the day, fearing that the battles will get even worse as our child deals with more challenging work
The first step we recommend is to use our screening tool to see if your child learns differently — and is what we call a right-brain, visual spatial, or kinesthetic learner, who learns best when he or she sees and experiences information. As discussed in the video, this discovery changed our kids’ lives, and it has helped thousands of other parents to identify and capitalize on their child’s strengths. To access this tool, open this in another tab — and do this with your child. Their answers may surprise you.
Click here to access our Does my child learn differently screening tool.
For over 25 years, 3D Learner focused on helping students who learn differently to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner, with our 1-on-1 Strength-based program. Since March 2021, 3D Learner has provided this training in person, via zoom and with a hybrid model. We will continue to do that.
We have experienced the challenges with two of our four kids, and we have helped over 1000 students achieve Success by Third Grade or Sooner.
Starting this year, we are expanding our offering to provide:
- A no cost Parenting Guide to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner
- A group program focused on Parenting to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner.
Both efforts have two key goals, to provide you with:
- Our “Small Changes Make Big Differences” initiative, that will provide practical ways to both reduce the stress for your child and you and to produce better outcomes
- Insights on how you can help your child to make significant gains with a strengths-based approach
Here is a video, focused on How You Can Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner for your child.
Enter your information below and we will send you the first installment of the Parenting Guide to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner
As we work on our Parenting to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner Course, we continue to seek input from parents. If you would like to engage in a 30-minute no cost conversation, call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a mutually agreeable time to have a conversation.
The Parenting Guide to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner is a 5 installment series that addresses:
- Recognizing that it often gets worse for smart struggling kids who learn differently, the upside which is far greater than most people think it is and the pivotal role that you the parent plays
- Identifying your child’s strength, challenges and present level of performance. While many people inquire about a student’s challenges, at 3D Learner we focus on a student’s strengths and interests to engage and connect to the student, to generate more significant gains and to build a child’s self-esteem. We also assess for dyslexia, executive function and visual processing issues.
- Goal Setting for small and significant gains. While others may focus on Dyslexia, ADHD or Executive Function issues, we set goals that might include improved Reading Fluency, Reading Comprehension, Executive Function Skills, Self-esteem and the sport or activity your child enjoys the most.
- Help that is needed — both from school-based and outside professionals
- Taking massive action to really make the difference
Enter your information below and we will send you the first installment of the Parenting Guild to Get It Right By Third Grade or Sooner