Parenting Your Right Brain Kinesthetic Learner – How Homeschool Parents Can Make The Difference

For the parents of bright right brain kinesthetic learners voucher programs, like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship are opening up opportunities to:

  • Learn more about your child’s strengths, challenges and present level of performance
  • Invest in programs that can significantly improve your child’s reading fluency, reading comprehension, math skills, executive functions skills and so much more — with voucher program funding.
Note, with Zoom and our Coral Springs Learning Center, we are able to help students around the state and country.

Parenting a right brain kinesthetic learner can be frustrating and rewarding.  Specifically:

  • The right brain kinesthetic learner often struggles with:
    • Sounding out words
    • Understanding what small words mean (e.g. where, the, but, except)
    • Recognizing words they have seen and not mastered
    • Reading fluency and reading comprehension
    • Visual processing 
    • Executive function issues, where students often have a sea of strengths and challenges, including:
      • -An uncanny ability to remember what they see and experience
      • -Difficulty remembering what they hear or see
      • -Processing video games quickly, but reading slowly
      • -Being able to hyper focus on what they love and having difficulty paying attention to tight which is boring

These students often have some and occasionally all of the following

  • They are a right brain kinesthetic learner
  • They often have visual processing issues
  • They frequently have attention, working memory, and/or processing issues
  • They may have dyslexia

Many students are right brain kinesthetic learners who can make significant gains in months, when one capitalizes on their strengths, identifies and addresses their challenges and boost their self-esteem.


In 2023-24 Many Parents Are Leveraging Vouchers
to Make The Difference


What is new in Florida and in other states is that;

  • Programs like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship have been expanded to cover students with disabilities and all other students
  • As a result of school closures during the pandemic, many kids have fallen a lot further behind
  • Many parents are continuing to homeschool and …
  • There is a significant increase in the number of parents who want to use this next school year to have their child make significant progress

3D Learner has been helping voucher students in Florida for years and last year helped voucher students in Utah and Alaska.  These new vouchers provide parents with significant funding that can really make the difference.

We have helped homeschool students who are 6 to 20 years old.

We will be conducting a webinar on
Thursday September 7th at 8:30 pm

To register click on “Helping Your Homeschool Child Succeed”. 

Note, while our specialty is helping bright right brain kinesthetic learners succeed, this webinar will be helpful for any parent who wants to help their child to make significant gains in the next 4 to 6 months.

We will be discussing:

  1. How we shift from a disability focus to what your child is good at
  2. Why bright right brain kinesthetic learners can struggle with traditional homeschooling
  3. How these bright right brain kinesthetic learners can succeed in months
  4. How one can assess for success to better understand your child’s strengths, challenges and present level of performance
  5. What is possible to achieve in 4 to 6 months
  6. How programs like the Florida Empowerment Scholarship can be used to make the difference
  7. How are team helps parents to navigate the bureaucracy and make it work

If you would like to speak with us directly, you can reach us at 561-361-7495

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