Strength Based Parents, Use Fewer Words. A Visual Schedule and More Pictures Can be Transformational

Strength based parents can increase their chances for success by combining a visual schedule, a clear picture of what you want and explaining why, in a few words. 


As your child gets ready to go back to school or has already started: remember STRUCTURE, consistency and a clear picture of what you want really help. 

If your child is starting back to school before Labor Day – that reminder that Summer is over, and we are transitioning into Fall – use these couple of weeks to practice so that by September you have developed a routine that is working.

If your child is not in school yet, start to put these measures in place so that there can be a smoother transition.

Three key points on “fewer words, more pictures”.

  • The right brain, the kinesthetic learner and the visual spatial learner thinks in pictures and thrives on structure
  • Too many words overwhelm them (floods them with pictures!)
  • A simple picture with a brief explanation can make all the difference.  Strength based parenting leverages your kid’s ability to understand things when they can see what you mean and understand the why.

If you are at a swimming pool, watch and listen as parents say, “Don’t run” and their kids sprint towards a friend. You will not be surprised.  Try, “Walk like an elephant!”

Consider the 5 things a child may need to bring to school, their:

  • Backpack
  • Notebook
  • Homework
  • Lunch – WATER BOTTLE
  • Keys (other personal effects)

Take a photo of those things and place that photo on the door of their bedroom (or wherever they might gather those items ) and another by the door as they exit.

Too often we hear of parents sharing/reminding (mostly shouting) what is needed, and the kids often forget one or more items. Having that visual, NON-VERBAL cue can save your morning.


For all of you parents who tell me “We used to do this when our kids were small” or I’m really not that kind of person. PLEASE PRINT out a copy of our GIFT TO YOU, our Visual Schedule,

Place it on your fridge or a prominent place where all family members can see it.  Do not just rely on your phone or Google Calendar— Your kids need to see the whole week! Certainly, short verbal reminders are great– but having a visual that is constantly there will help tremendously. This should be viewed as a “working document” for all to add to and be responsible for. This should not be viewed as another chore.

It is actually very calming or grounding to lay out what the week looks like. It is a good excuse to have a weekly family meeting as well. Sunday Night Stress is a real thing! To alleviate this, plan something positive or fun to do together. Just be sure to make planning out the week a part of that. Listen carefully to how your kids give input and make sure they know they are being heard.  Telling kids “not to worry” creates more anxiety. If you have followed us for a while you know that we are big on coaching parents to choose words wisely and use language that creates a positive action. If you are new to 3D Learner, Welcome.  We are here to help you be a great coach and advocate for your Right Brain Visual Spatial Learner. 

REMEMBER- this is about how your child thinks and learns: If you want teachers to help your child at school- then YOU need to start at home and use strategies that set the tone. Consistency at home and school are what will work. 

This transition from summer to school is difficult for everyone- and the outdoor heat does not help. Make sure that water is an integral part of their schedule (I put it on the calendar – just as a reminder!)

All the best to all of our families as they start this NEW SCHOOL YEAR.
We are here to help you in any way we can. Please contact us with questions. 

Note, strength-based parents who use both a visual schedule and create a clear picture for what they want, often see positive changes relatively quickly.

Contact info:
Telephone: 561-361-7495
North Carolina 919-371-5295

No cost consultation 

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