For the child who learns differently, the right Spring or Summer reading program can change a child’s life. Can you relate to a few of these challenges:
- You are incredibly frustrated. Despite previous interventions, the problems persist
- Dyslexia may be an issue, but there appears to be a lot more going on
- Your child’s reading comprehension is well below their intelligence level
- This might be a bright or even gifted child whose reading comprehension is at grade level, but who should be well above grade level, or
- A child whose reading comprehension is below grade level
- Spelling and difficulty mastering math facts is an ongoing challenge
- Reading avoidance — your child may enjoy being read to, but avoids reading books
- Your child’s academic results are well below what you expected
- You believe your child learns differently, but you are not sure how to capitalize on his or her strengths
Does Your Smart Struggling Child Learn Differently?
The first step we recommend is to use our screening tool to see if your child learns differently — and is what we call a right-brain, visual spatial, or kinesthetic learner, who learns best when he or she sees and experiences information. Discovering two of our four children learned differently and developing a strength-based program changed our kids’ lives, and it has helped thousands of other parents to identify and capitalize on their child’s strengths. To access this tool, open this in another tab — and do this with your child. Their answers may surprise you.
Click here to access our Does my child learn differently screening tool.
What Differentiates 3D Learner?
Whether your child is in elementary, middle school or high school, the work next year will be much harder. The time to close the gap is often now.
7 Factors that Differentiate The 3D Learner Program:
- We have been there with two of our four children and thousands of other students. Many of whom have become much more successful in school and in life. The quality of our team is a big differentiator.
- We identify and capitalize on your child’s strengths. Our program works best for a child who learns differently. Specifically, the child who learns best when they see and experience information.
- We assess for and address challenges with attention, working memory, processing speed, visual processing, reading fluency and reading comprehension
- Our hands-on clay-based approach is engaging and effective. It allows us to improve your child’s spelling, vocabulary, word recognition, mastery of math facts, And strengthens fine motor skills!
- We significantly improve your child’s reading fluency and reading comprehension and our students end up enjoying reading on their own
- Our parents often see significant improvements in academics, attitude, processing skills and in sports, dance, the martial arts — or another activity you want us to focus on
A few 3D Learner Successes:
In one case we helped a student get into a prestigious private school, when a psychologist had told the parents not to even apply. The student later became the class valedictorian and graduated from Harvard. The mom said,
“You changed his attitude and that was 90 percent of the battle”, KF Boca Raton
In another case, we helped a third grader to make 3 years gain in his reading comprehension and his teacher said,
“T made more significant gains in a year than any student I have had in 25 years of teaching”, M Morris, MD.
A rising 9th grader came with an attitude. After seeing his assessment results, he realized he was a lot smarter than he had thought he was. Within less than 4 months, he improved his reading comprehension 4 grade levels, improved his reading speed from 200 to 360 words per minute and he went from a B- student to an A student.