Transformational Strength Based Parenting to Get It Right in 4th to 6th Grade

3D Learner K-12 learning support - parent coaching

Transformational Strength Based Parenting can make the difference for your child this school year.

Comments parents have shared with us:

“My 4th grade child’s reading speed is so slow it makes reading comprehension very difficult”

“My child’s reading comprehension is at the 1st grade level as she enters 5th grade, despite our investing $34000 in a program”.

“My 6th grade child is at the 48th percentile in reading comprehension.  I asked her principal what I can do and he said “nothing was needed, someone has to be average”

The good news is that each of these parents rejected the status quo and helped their child to make significant gains.  This included:

  • Improving reading speed by 80 percent, increasing reading comprehension by 3 grade levels, and identifying and addressing a visual processing issue that allowed the student to read without headaches
  • Doubling a student’s reading speed, while improving reading comprehension by 4 grade levels
  • Helping a student improve her reading comprehension from the 48th to the 95th percentile

None of these parents were willing to accept the status quo.  This blog post is focused on:

  • The risks facing present 4th, 5th and 6th graders and their parents
  • The opportunities that exist to significantly improve reading fluency, reading speed and reading comprehension. This can improve confidence and self-esteem
  • The pivotal role that you the parent can play to make the difference for your child
  • Some resources that may be available to you in Florida that include:

Three important perspectives these parents had:

  • They were unwilling to accept the status quo and they wanted a program that would yield transformational results that would improve reading fluency, reading speed and reading comprehension
  • Once they realized their child learned differently and had a number of challenges, they wanted an integrated, engaging and effective program that would improve academics, self-esteem and confidence.
  • They wanted help to be the coach and advocate their child needed
Note, at one point we were in this exact situation. The 3D Learner Program ® was developed for our own daughter, who was 3 years below grade level in 8th grade. “With the 3D Learner Program I developed our daughter was able to improve her reading comprehension 4.2 grade levels in 7 months and in August 2024 our daughter Julie earned her doctorate in education from the University of Florida.


The Risks are Real

Reading fluency, reading speed and/or comprehension are common issues for 4th, 5th and 6th graders.  This is especially true in this post pandemic era, where your child was not in school during some critical years.  4 of the key risks students face include:

  • Being a slow reader and continuing to avoid reading.  Having their reading comprehension fall 3, 4, or even further below grade level.  As the graph below shows, for students with a disability in middle and high school 45% were 3 to 4.9 years below grade level and an additional 21% were 5 or more years below grade level in their reading comprehension

  • Homework will take more time and frustration often follows.  Especially as math word problems become more complex and the reading becomes more complex, with less pictures.
  • Standardized test scores continue to be low, and your child missed the fun electives as they are pulled out for additional reading help
  • Self-esteem and confidence often decline


The Opportunities are Often Significant

  • Reading fluency and reading speed can often be improved
  • Significant comprehension gains can be made within months
  • Homework time and stress can often be reduced by 25 to 50%, with your child becoming more independent
  • Many students learn to love reading and their confidence and self-esteem increase
  • With new tools to be an even more effective coach and advocate for your child, the stress decreases, you become an even more collaborative and effective advocate and raising your child becomes much more fun


The Pivotal Role of Transformational Strength Based Parenting

  • Seeing if your child is a right brain neurodivergent child who learns best when he or she sees and experiences information — click here for a screening tool to see if your child is a right brain neurodivergent learner.  Most smart struggling students are right brain neurodivergent learners.


  • Identifying and addressing the challenges if your child has dyslexia, ADHD, Executive Function challenges, visual processing issues and/or anxiety challenges. Most of our students learn differently and have several of these issues
  • Rejecting the status quo.  This is a critical step on your child’s pathway to success
  • Being committed to Transformational Strength Based Parenting and making a huge difference in your child’s life
  • Finding the right professional help to make it happen

At 3D Learner, we want to better understand your challenges, offer advice on how you can help your child and if appropriate, share how we can help.  If you would like a no cost conversation you can either call us at 561-361-7495 or click here to schedule a How Can I Help My 4th, 5th or 6th Grade Child conversation

3D Learner, Committed to Transformational
Strength Based Parenting
That Makes The Difference for Your Child and You

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