Twice Exceptional Neurodivergent Learners are Often Right Brain Kinesthetic Learners with Executive Function Challenges

(Call 3D Learner at 561-361-7495 to put your Twice Exceptional Student on Their Pathway to Success)

Twice exceptional” (2e) students refer to individuals who are both intellectually gifted or talented and may be neurodivergent learners with related challenges. This combination can present unique challenges and strengths in their learning experience. Twice exceptional neurodivergent learners may include those with conditions such as Executive Function issues, dyslexia, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, or other learning disabilities.


I am Mira Halpert.  I have my Master’s in Teaching the Gifted and Talented from the University of Michigan.  I also have two twice exceptional children.  After years of frustration with dyslexia treatments, learning centers and reading programs, I discovered both my kids were right brain kinesthetic learners.  With the 3D Learner Program I developed, my daughter was able to improve her reading comprehension 4.2 grade levels in 7 months, improve her GPA from a 2.7 to a 4.4 and later earn her Master’s in Education from the University of Florida. My son improved his reading scores in elementary school, so that no more school remediation was needed, and he was able to participate in the highly gifted math program.


Over the last 26 years, 3D Learner has helped many twice exceptional students to succeed.  Two examples include:

A student whose parents were told not to even apply to a rigorous college prep school, because if he got in he would not succeed. With our help, he was accepted by the school, became the valedictorian and later graduated from MIT.
While another student could solve high level math problems and was incredibly creative, he really struggled with the basics. We were able to improve his foundational skills and his confidence. He was able to succeed in school and is now thriving at the University of Chicago.


5 Things We Have Come to Learn About Twice Exceptional Neurodivergent Learners


1- Most of them are right brain kinesthetic learners, who learn best when they see and experience information

2- Many have significant executive function challenges.  Some with working memory and processing speed scores that are far below what their intelligence potential is (these scores often impact their IQ score!).

3- Visual processing issues are quite common.  They may have good peripheral vision, but they often skip words and lines when reading and make what appear to be “stupid” mistakes when doing math problems because their eyes do not work together.

4- Their academic performance is often far below their potential.  In some cases, dyslexia, dysgraphia or other conditions may have them performing below grade level.  In other cases, they may be performing at or above grade level, but they have the potential to do far better than that with the right help.

5- Schools or traditional programs often do not result in significant gains.  The twice exceptional neurodivergent learner can benefit most from a program that plays to their strengths, identifies and addresses their challenges and boosts their self-esteem,

As the mom of the student who went to MIT said, “You changed his attitude and that was 90 percent of the battle”.


How 3D Learner Can Help Put Your Twice Exceptional Child on Their Pathway to Success


As parents, we wish we had access to both the right assessment and help for our daughter earlier in her life. To help parents, we are offering three ways to learn more:

1- Sign up for our Parents, Put Your Twice Exceptional Child on Their Pathway from Stress to Outrageous Success Webinar this Thursday evening January 11th at 9 pm.

 Sign up and if you cannot make it, we will send you a replay.

2- Download our strengths and challenges infographic and get our series of posts on Getting It Right for Your Twice Exceptional Child.

3- Call us at 561-361-7495 and we can discuss how you can make the difference.  If you want, we can also share how we Assess The Twice Exceptional Neurodivergent Child and how we help the Twice Exceptional Neurodivergent Child to Succeed with our 3D Learner Program ®.


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