For Your Visual Learner, Why Waiting Is Not The Right Option

Mom was frustrated.  She saw on our website that:

  • Almost 90% of the first graders with a word identification problem will become poor readers in 4th grade
  • Over 70 percent of the third graders with a reading disability will still have a reading disability in 12th grade

She asked, “Why does the school tell me to wait, and is to too late?”

I assured her that she was not alone and that if she solved the problem now, her son would be ahead of 99.99% of the students with similar challenges. 

For The Visual Learner – Schools Are Not Aware of the Challenges and the Gifts

Mom said, “Reading comprehension is really the issue, and my son has 8 of the 10 issues listed below”.  She then commented, “but school is focused on phonics, phonemic awareness and reading 20 minutes a night.  They do not appear to be aware of these issues”

  • Difficulty recognizing words seen before but not mastered
  • Not understanding the high frequency and sight words
  • Has difficulty with words that have multiple meanings  (e.g. on – put it on the couch, I will see you on Friday, wear it on your left hand)
  • Difficulty understanding words where he cannot create a picture
  • Difficulty visualizing what he reads
  • Not able to remember the rules (working memory)
  • Skipping words and lines when reading
  • Reading slowly
  • Likes when I read to him, but does not like to read silently
  • Comprehension below grade level

We explained that phonics and phonemic awareness are important.  We recognize that identifying the right sound and blending them together is important, but so are all the factors mentioned above.

For the Visual Learner, Waiting Is Not an Option Because …

Too often the student is labeled with dyslexia, a learning disability or an underachiever.  When in fact the student is …

A high potential visual learner, who can do far better when he or she is taught to their strengths, their challenges are identified and addressed and they are engaged in the process.

We offer a few ways to learn more:

  • If you are trying to determine if your child is a visual learner – take our no cost Discover if your child is a visual learner quiz 
    You will get immediate feedback and our e-book on Ten Tips to Your Visual Learner’s Success.

Click here to set-up an Improve My Child’s Reading Comprehension Strategy Session to:

  • Discuss the two or three key issues you would like to discuss
  • Arrange for a Comprehensive Assessment
  • Discuss program options


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Get it Right For Your 7th Thru 12th Grader

To get it right for 7th through 12th graders, parents need to reject the status quo, focus on success, partner with the right professional and engage your child

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